Friday, January 20, 2012

Great Wall Against SOPA

This image was created on Great Wall's Polyvore account.

We have chosen to feature our Binary Nightmare  custom mural from the Wallgazer collection today.  It's a really fun wallcovering  with 0s and 1s cascading down sporadically.   The binary nightmare wallpaper is a stylish way to play up your techy side, be you nerd or geek. Have a  loved one who's attached to his laptop?  He or She  love this in his home office.   It would also be really fun decor in an IT office.

We found these NERD bookends on

You may have seen that sites like and were down on Jan 18th in protest of SOPA and PIPA. These bills would essentially create large fines and jail time for posting any copyrighted material. You could be sued for something as simple as posting a fun picture of a cat on your Facebook. This wonderful blog would not be able to link to the youtube video for Chumbawamba's song "Tubthumping". The size of these fines are a true threat for small business owners, as well as the general public.  Click here to sign the petition against destroying the greatest communication tool ever created. 

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